Pre-Scheduled Interpreting


On-site interpreting is hands down the preferred method for interpreting. That is why we’re focused on building a network of reliable, professional
interpreters in Southwest and Central Florida.

The big language agencies would be spread too thin trying to provide this kind of local service. While Access Interpreting LLC is located in Bradenton, FL our network of interpreters spreads throughout the Suncoast area.

Find out if you’re in our service area!


Remote interpreting involves the use of phone or video conferencing software to allow services to be rendered, even when an interpreter can’t be on-site.

While face-to-face communication is the preferred method, improvements in video and telephonic conferencing software (such as Zoom, Skype, and GoToMeeting) have made remote services a much more viable option. It has allowed users to tap into a greater pool of qualified service providers, location notwithstanding.

Remote Interpreting


Pricing Information:

  • Appointments are typically charged at a two-hour minimum with hourly rate determined by appointment type and target language. Additional time exceeding the minimum will be billed in one-hour increments.

  • For longer appointments, special discounted half-day and full-day rates can be provided.

  • Appointments canceled within 24 hours of the requested start time will be charged at the minimum rate.

Key Terminology:

  • Utterance– A renderable (translatable) unit of speech (from one word to several sentences). It is part of the interpreter’s job to manage the length of utterances, in order to maximize accuracy.

  • IME– An Independent Medical Examination to help answer specific legal or administrative questions related to a variety of situations. 

  • Deposition/EUO– A sworn, out-of-court oral testimony of a witness that may be reduced to a written transcript for later use in court or for discovery purposes.

Modes of Interpreting

Interpretation can be provided in different modes. The two main modes being: Consecutive and Simultaneous. At Access Interpreting LLC we provide both modalities. Not sure which one you need? Read more below, or contact us today and we’d be happy to let you know the right mode of interpretation to best fit your needs.

Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive interpreting is so named because it involves “consecutive” turn-taking between the parties and the interpreter. This modality offers several advantages and is the standard for most interpreted interactions.

The primary advantage is clarity. Since only one party speaks at a time, all parties can more easily remain on the same page. Consecutive interpreting also facilitates encounters that require equal input from both sides of a language barrier. 

Consecutive interpreting does not typically require any special equipment, other than a pen, notebook, good memory, and general cultural awareness. The principle is relatively simple: the speaker talks as the interpreter listens, takes notes and then reproduces the speech in the target language.

Note some examples of encounters in which the consecutive mode would be used: Depositions/EUOs, IMEs, Mediations

Simultaneous Interpreting

As the name implies, Simultaneous Interpreting involves the interpreter and the primary speaker(s) talking in a relatively uninterrupted manner. The interpreter renders an interpretation in real-time. Some settings may call for the use of special audio equipment (listening device for parties receiving an interpretation and microphone for the interpreter) or chuchotage, in which the interpreter simply renders the interpretation in a low, whispering voice to the party receiving the interpretation. The chuchotage method may at times benefit from the use of headphones for the interpreter.

The primary advantage of Simultaneous interpreting is time-efficiency. Since there is no consecutive turn-taking or pausing for utterances to be rendered. Simultaneous is used in situations where communication is exclusively (or primarily) one-way. 

Note some common examples: Conferences, Non-participatory Courtroom Proceedings, Speeches

Blog Articles

Visiting the Doctor: 3 Simple Questions

March 1st, 2021|Comments Off on Visiting the Doctor: 3 Simple Questions

In this article (and accompanying video), we look at a few simple questions that can make visiting the Doctor's office go much smoother for all involved.